Novel Oral Anticoagulant IP
The global market for oral anticoagulants was $18.9B in 2016 and the market is expected to grow at a compounded annual rate of 7.6% between 2016 and 2021. Industry experts expect this market to be valued in excess of $27B by 2023. Blood clots in the bloodstream after surgery or traumatic injury is a common complication.
Annually in the U.S., approximately 900,000 people experience this complication, resulting in the death of as many as 100,000 of them. It is considered one of the most preventable causes of death in hospitalized patients. Unfortunately, once they have experienced this clotting event, their long-term survival rate is poor. Approximately 25% will die within seven days, and 40% will not survive the first year. Among those who survive, 30% will have a recurrence within 10 years.
Unlike the new direct oral anticoagulants (DOAC’s) on the market now the AMSI complex is readily reversible with known, well-understood, and low-cost reversing agents. The expected cost of manufacturing is also lower than any of the other new DOAC’s, and may even be lower than or approximately the same as Warfarin/Coumadin which have been the drugs of choice for more than fifty years regardless of their known shortcomings.
The illustration above includes an initial license fee and milestone payments for clinical trials and FDA approval that are common in the industry. This IP is expected to provide 7% of the Company’s total combined revenues over the next five years. Additional licensing revenue is expected from downstream sales benchmark payments.
Future royalty revenue, averaging between 8%-18% in the industry, is expected to add even more significantly to the value created for our stakeholders by the pharmaceutical IP.
Call or email us today for more information. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss our Company with you in greater depth.
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